A little bit about me…
Hi my name is Tova and I am referred to by she/her pronouns. I’m a Rabbi, but I am also a mama, partner, speaker, teacher, spiritual counselor, educator, and a proud work-in-progress. I believe that life is beautiful but also messy. Finding ways to lean into the mess without dismantling the beauty is sacred work. My mission is to inspire and empower YOU to THRIVE through life’s most important moments and transitions.
Our world will begin to thrive when each of us can live authentically without compromising our integrity.
Equally, we must believe the profound truth, which is that we are inextricably linked to one another and are part of a collective.
I’m a native Angeleno who was raised by parents who came from diverse backgrounds. My Dad was raised ultra orthodox and his parents were Holocaust survivors. My Mom grew up as a Southern Methodist and converted to Judaism. This solidified my deep belief in discourse and understanding that we are more connected than not. I spend most of my days thinking about ways to make Judaism and our world inclusive, even if it means sometimes facing harsh truths about our tradition.
How much would our world change if each of us boldly lived out our lives and were proud of our unique essence? If we felt that we belonged JUST as we are?
What would it take for us to see one another truly and see ourselves as Betzelem Elohim, created in the image of God?
I believe that each of us is a unique holy soul; a gift to the world. And yet, many of us do not live embodying this belief. We don't think we are special or important. So let me help you, and let's go on the journey together.
Our world will begin to thrive when each of us can live authentically without compromising our integrity.